Friday, December 10, 2010


I disabled the comments to protect myself from vexation of so-called "haters" or those who got addicted to smelling their own armpits. But wait, don't commit suicide yet! You can contact me here:

Just click that encircled icon located at the right side of this page. You can E-mail me, contribute and send confidential messages! Don't worry, everything you'll say will be a secret between the two of us.

For those who want to leave love letters/feedbacks, unconfidential messages (or questions), you can leave your comments here:

My Formspring widget is located just below the "Contact Me" icon. You can also leave a comment on my Formspring widget if you want to clarify something, correct my syntax errors and ask for advice. ;)

Thank you so much and sorry for the inconvenience. Luuuls. xD